20 Hidden Comedy Gems To Watch On Netflix

10. Death At A Funeral

Neil LaBute's American remake of the British comedy Death At A Funeral is another worthwhile comedy which, like Bill Murray's The Man Who Knew Too LIttle, has the inexplicably low score of 41% on Rotten Tomatoes. By no means is it a masterpiece but it certainly raises a few smiles. Chris Rock, Martin Lawrence and Danny Glover make up the ensemble cast of characters assembled at the funeral of the family patriarch. As you might expect from this scenario, it doesn't take long before old familial wounds are opened and the sombre occasion descends into an out-and-out fiasco. Some of the jokes might be a little on the crude side (poo jokes only have so much mileage, no matter how good they are), but there is a stand-out performance from Peter Dinklage, the only cast member to return from Frank Oz's 2007 original, reprising his role as the secret lover of the deceased.

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.