20 Hilarious Amazon Reviews Of 2015’s Biggest Movies

1. Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The trolling is strong with this one. Nice claim that he saw the film on Blu-ray too. Someone should arrest him. Not least for excessive, irresponsible levels of banter:
"Can't believe Ben Kenobi comes back as a Vader clone! And that alien that killed Luke, who saw that coming? Wasn't he in the cantina band in the first movie? At least Leia had a cameo as a stormtrooper alongside Kylo Ren - superb idea to have her as an undercover agent. I'm only giving it one star as it didn't have Boba Fett. Oh well..."
Also, good work do the angry nerd who's trying to tell everyone to just watch Spaceballs instead. Which other hilariously bad Amazon reviews belong on this list? Share your favourites below in the comments thread.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.