20 Idiotic Decisions Made By Characters In The Dark Knight Saga

12. Commissioner Gordon Blames The Deaths Caused By Two-Face On Batman Instead Of The Joker - The Dark Knight

At the end of The Dark Knight, Two Face has murdered a bunch of people and somebody has to take the blame... for the good of Gotham, though, Gordon and Batman realise that they can't blame the deaths on Harvey Dent because it will destroy the good morale that he brought to the citizens. Instead, they decide that their best bet is for Batman to take the fall, thus branding him as "the Dark Knight" (that's the name of the movie). What both Batman (a genius) and Gordon (very smart) fail to remember is a little villain by the name of the Joker. Wouldn't it have been far more logical - and a whole lot easier for everyone - if they just pinned the murders on the Joker instead? Sure, it's a little dishonest, but then again so is saying that Batman did them, too. It's not like the Joker is going to be all that bothered about it anyway, him being crazy and all - and it's entirely believable that he might have committed the crimes, given that he was the insane maniac murdering people all over Gotham at this particular point in time. Even if the Joker disparages the claims, who's gonna believe that loon?

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.