20 Idiotic Decisions Made By Characters In The Dark Knight Saga

13. Batman & Gordon Leave The Joker In His Cell With One Rubbish Policeman - The Dark Knight

After purposely getting himself caught so that he can unleash an incredibly complex plan to toy with Batman's emotions and pretty much ruin his life, the Joker finds himself confined to a cell at the Gotham Police Station. Once Batman has beaten the guy around for a while to get the information he requires to prevent both Rachel and District Attorney Harvey Dent from going the way of the dodo, Batman and Commissioner Gordon leave the premises. What happens next is baffling; the most wanted man in Gotham City is left guarded by... just one man? Yes, when Batman and Gordon leave to perform the rescue mission, they don't bother to leave anywhere near as many police officers as warranted with the Joker. They just presume that a single officer - and one prone to irritation, at that - is all that's necessary to keep the Joker at bay? Why not put at least two men in the cell? Or how about three or six or ten? As a result of this stupidity, the Joker manages to provoke his lone guard into a fight, and thus manages to take him hostage, using him as the key element in an extensive breakout scene.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.