20 Idiotic Decisions Made By Characters In The Dark Knight Saga

10. Alfred Allows Selina Kyle To Go Upstairs In Wayne Manor When He Should Have Gone Himself - The Dark Knight Rises

The first time we catch up with our hero Bruce Wayne in The Dark Knight Rises, he's living a lowly, secluded life like some sort of hermit in the upper quarters of one Wayne Manor, wandering the hallways like a ghost, limping around with a cane, and even growing a goatee. When a benefit is held at his house, it's left to Alfred to organise the caterers - one of whom is Selina Kyle, our unacknowledged Catwoman, in disguise. At one point during this scene, then, Alfred decides to slack off when he tells her to go upstairs to deliver a meal to Bruce Wayne. Huh? This doesn't make sense for a number of reasons, but the major one is... why didn't Alfred just take the meal up to Bruce himself? Nobody has seen the man for years, after all... he's living as a recluse. It beggars believe that a faithful servant like Alfred, who's usually got such a keen eye for small details, decide to let a random person upstairs like it's nothing? Of course, chances are that Alfred was too distracted to consider his actions, or was just too tired to make the trip himself. Whatever the reason, it was a silly move, as Kyle proceeds to rob Bruce.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.