20 Idiotic Decisions Made By Characters In The Dark Knight Saga

4. Bruce Wastes Hours Painting His Symbol On A Bridge When Time Is Running Out - The Dark Knight Rises

A lot of what it means to be Batman concerns the man as a symbol; he's essentially an advertisement whose purpose is to inspire others to seek out justice. So we understand why Bruce is always busy ensuring that Batman is aesthetically pleasing, what with the bat-shaped gadgets and the suit. When Bruce emerges from the pit and makes his way back to Gotham in the final act of The Dark Knight RIses, though, you've got to wonder what went through his head when he decided to waste a few hours painting his emblem in flames on a bridge. "He does it to inspire the people!" you might say. Well, okay; but he also succeeds in completely obliterating any surprise advantage he could have had on the bad guys. Seriously, he returns to Gotham, clambers up to the top of a massive bridge, and goes to work on rendering his emblem in fire... which means he also risks getting seen and shot down in the process. How much gasoline did he need to accomplish this task, anyway? Where did he get it from? Whatever the purpose of the Batsignal was at this point, the cons here definitely outweigh the pros.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.