20 Idiotic Decisions Made By Characters In The Dark Knight Saga

3. Bane & Talia Al Ghul Wait 5 Months To Blow Up Gotham Just To Annoy Bruce - The Dark Knight Rises

During the third act of The Dark Knight Rises, we learn that Bane has been working alongside Wayne Enterprises board member Miranda Tate (Talia al Ghul in reality) all along, who has made it her mission to destroy Gotham in order to finish what her father, Ra's al Ghul, started in Batman Begins. Part of her extensive and insanely elaborate plan to do, though, is to make Bruce Wayne pay for killing her father. To kill two birds with one stone, she decides that making Bruce suffer and destroying Gotham can be achieved at once - over a 5 month period. Which is to say, Talia sets about cutting Gotham off from the rest of the world for a lengthy period of time; to punish Bruce, she has Bane beat the heck out of him, isolate him in a Middle-Eastern prison, and force him to watch Gotham in turmoil from a TV set. But why did she need to make him watch Gotham suffer for 5 months, essentially inspiring him to come back and save the day whilst also giving him enough time to heal? Wouldn't it have made more sense to have just blown up Gotham straight away whilst Bruce looked on, before killing him?

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.