20 Idiotic Decisions Made By Characters In The Dark Knight Saga

2. Talia Al Ghul Accidently Tells Bruce How To Save The Day - The Dark Knight Rises

After defeating Talia Al Ghul and Bane, Batman still has a problem; a giant fusion bomb is about to explode as is on the brink of laying waste to the once great city of Gotham. The only way for him to stop it from blowing up, of course, is to put it back in the secured basement where it was originally housed so that it can be subdued. And restoring the bomb to its rightful home would literally have been the one and only thing Bruce could have tried to do, had Talia not opened her stupid mouth moments before her death. She literally tells him that it's flooded. She doesn't do this to help him on purpose, mind; Talia thinks that with the fusion basement now filled with water, it's impossible for Bruce to stop the bomb from going off - she's just gloating. And she's right, it totally is flooded at this point. Thing is, had she not spoken about it, chances are that Batman would have attempted to take it back to the basement instead of out over the bay where he eventually does; upon arriving at the chamber, he would have realised the place was sabotaged, and it would have been too late. You would have won, Talia!

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.