20 Idiotic Decisions Made By Characters In The Dark Knight Saga

1. Bruce Wayne Choosing To Become Batman In The First Place - The Dark Knight Saga

All in all, Bruce Wayne becoming Batman in the very beginning might have done some good. Ultimately, though, the very act of Bruce choosing to be the Dark Knight had an adverse effect on the damage done to Gotham City in the long run; is it actually possible that Bruce becoming Batman resulted in more death and carnage had he instead opted not to do so? Perhaps. Sure, Ra's al Ghul might very well have succeed in reducing Gotham to ashes had Bruce not been around to help out, but we can't say for sure; it might have failed due to other matters. What we can say is that the Joker might never have came to be, given that it's hinted at the end of Batman Begins that Bruce Wayne's own theatrics have inspired other people to act similarly thanks to escalation; Harvey Dent would have never have became Two-Face as a result, and Talia al Ghul and Bane would never have had a reason to try and destroy Gotham in order to seek revenge on what Bruce did to her father. It's impossible to say for sure, but there is a lingering sense that Batman actually created most of his own problems by being Batman. Like this article? Let us know in the comments section below.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.