20 Idiotic Decisions Made By Characters In The Dark Knight Saga

18. Bruce's Parents Choose To Leave The Opera Through A Nightmarish Back Alley - Batman Begins

During a visit to the opera in one of Batman Begins' seminal flashback sequences, Thomas and Martha Wayne - Bruce's parents - decide to ditch the show through a handy back door when little Bruce gets scared of the bat-like aesthetics. For some reason, though, the opera backs onto a terrifying, nightmarish alleyway that also provides a lingering spot for meandering petty thugs. Approached by a nervous man wielding a gun named Joe Chill, Bruce's parents are shot dead by accident during a mugging gone wrong, leaving Bruce an orphan. But you have to ask yourself: what the heck were billionaire couple Thomas and Martha Wayne doing going out into that alley in the first place? You might argue that it's all part of the origin story, but for the purpose of sticking to the events of the film, the decision is mental. Firstly, what sort of opera house has an alleyway resembling something out of a dystopian Berlin? But more importantly: wouldn't the Waynes have avoided such a place in what appears to be a crime-infested area? Why not go out the front way? Why step out into "Crime Alley?"

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.