20 Idiotic Decisions Made By Characters In The Dark Knight Saga

15. Ra's Al Ghul Couldn't Have Come Up With A More Convoluted Plan Even If He Tried

It's clear from what we've explored here already that Ra's al Ghul isn't quite as smart as he probably thinks he is; first of all, let's consider the fact that his plan to annihilate Gotham is the work of a genuine mad man. Not a "mad man" because he's crazy and wants to destroy a city, but because the way in which he goes about trying to do so is so overly complicated and insane that it's a wonder he even got as far as he did. Using a microwave emitter, Gotham's water supply and a whole bunch of luck to unleash your master scheme, Ra's? Why so convoluted? Think about it; if the League of Shadows wanted to destroy Gotham, they might have found a less fiddly way to go about it. The microwave emitter (which sucks the water out of anything it happens to be near to), after all, is a tricky piece of kit, but it's not a necessary component of getting the job done. If Ra's can steal something as dangerous as the microwave emitter, though, then he might as well have just stolen a nuclear bomb - relying on Gotham's transport system to spread fear throughout the city... so much that could go wrong. And so it does.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.