20 Idiotic Decisions Made By Characters In The Dark Knight Saga

14. Bruce Wayne Risks Starting A War With China By Flying Into Hong Kong Airspace - The Dark Knight

At the beginning of what is arguably the best and most satisfying movie in Nolan's trilogy, Bruce Wayne targets a corrupt Chinese government official named Lau who is stowing money away for Gotham's mob bosses. When Lau flees to Hong Kong to evade capture, Batman follows him... not by buying a ticket online and flying out on a commercial airliner, mind you, but by flying his own plane right into Hong Kong. Sure, it's one badass way to bring a wanted criminal back to America, but did Bruce really consider the risks he was taking when he did this? Because China aren't the sort of country to excuse this sort of behaviour, given that the airspace over Hong Kong is, you know, severely restricted; it's no wonder that they didn't shoot Bruce down as he made his approach. Even if we can somehow buy into the fact that Bruce used a gadget or device to block Chinese sensors, the plan is still insanely elaborate; had he been caught or intercepted, there would have been major tensions between both the American and Chinese governments - there could have even been a threat of war!

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.