20 More Incredibly Satisfying Moments In Movie History

16. The Bike Take Off - E.T.

After being lured into a house by a young boy called Elliot, thanks in part to Reece's Pieces, ET soon finds a special connection with the young boy - Before turning white, and nearly dying because he isn't with his family - Breaking the hearts of every child of the 80's. Before this harrowing moment, ET takes Elliot into the woods in an attempt to phone his home planet using a Mr. Spell toy, a rotor blade and some string. Before they reach the destination, ET, who is nestled cutely in Elliot's Bike basket, decides to take him for a ride - causing the bike to take off, silhouetting the pair against the moon. With John Williams' epic score kicking in, Elliot's screams of joy coupled with ET's cute little face all wrapped in a blanket - A moment that fills every child with pure joy and warmth was born.

15. "Adrian!" - Rocky

Thanks in part to the ever decreasing tightness of Sly Stallone's facial muscles, a robot butler and Russia vs America: The Movie, it is often forgotten what a great film Rocky actually is. Before the madness and never ending spiral that was spawned in its sequels, Rocky was a very humble punt at a true underdog story. The best part about the original Rocky is that he actually lost the fight at the end against his opponent, Apollo Creed. But that was the beauty of it all - The sheer joy and shamelessness of Rocky's defeat. He may have got his face smashed in, but he will be damned if anyone takes the love of a good woman away from him.

Shaun does not enjoy writing about himself in the third person. The rest? I will tell you in another life, when we are both cats...