20 Indie Movies That Will Rule 2015

8. The Nightmare

For most of you, collapsing in bed is a reward after a full day. For some, like the eight interview subjects in The Nightmare, it€™s just the start of a second, secret (and terrifying) life. Rodney Ascher, the man who brought you the Stanley Kubrick/Shining deep dive Room 237, is back with another docu-horror that has been praised as "the scariest documentary ever" by more than a few critics. The Nightmare explores the terrifying phenomena of sleep paralysis through the recollections of several people who suffer from it. Sample review (via Indiewire):
"Cutting between various chilling anecdotes of sinister late night visions and horrifying reenactments, The Nightmare manages a tricky balance of visceral fright and sincere investigation. It's a rare non-fiction achievement that earns the ability to freak you out."
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Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com