Directed by modern day horror legend Eli Roth, Knock Knock initially sounds more like a remake of Peter S. Traynors 1977 Death Game than anything else. In the film, Keanu Reeves stars as a married man who lets two attractive young ladies into his home while his family is away, which turns out to be a bad decision. After the saddening news that Roth's 2013 cannibal film, The Green Inferno, was postponed indefinitely, its a bit of brightness to see the director still doing what he does best. Sample review (via Bloody-Disgusting):
"Eli Roths latest movie is his most Fed up and his least violent, thus proving the talent was not simply for outdoing the gore. There is a masterful skill at manipulating the audience, but in a way that we trust the filmmaker to take us on that ride, and its not a not a one trick formula. With Knock Knock, Roth proves he can apply this skill to any genre."
Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: