20 Mind-Blowing Easter Eggs Hidden In Your Favorite Horror Films

9. Behind The Mask Has Dozens Of Classic Horror References

Insidious Saw Jigsaw Puppet
GlenEcho Entertainment

The dark horror comedy Behind The Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon is one giant celebration of slasher flicks, and Scott Glosserman includes so many references that it's hard to keep track.

One of the best is when Kane Hodder, who of course played Jason Voorhees in the later Friday the 13th movies, shows up walking into 1428 Elm Street, also known as Nancy's house from A Nightmare on Elm Street.

The Easter eggs don't stop there: towards the start of the film, there's an appearance by the Red Rabbit Pub, a reference to The Rabbit in Red Lounge from Halloween. In another scene, when the documentary crew goes to Eugene's house, the car from The Evil Dead is parked in his driveway.

When Taylor is interviewing Eugune, he's got one of the puzzle boxes from Hellraiser on the table. Later, when Leslie is looking for victims, three young girls are playing jump rope outside just like the singing girls from A Nightmare on Elm Street. When Leslie puts on his makeup, the song from the end credits of The Shining plays.

All the Easter eggs are almost overwhelming, and you could do an entire watch through of the movie just dedicated to spotting the inside jokes.


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.