20 Mind-Blowing Easter Eggs Hidden In Your Favorite Horror Films

1. The Final Destination Franchise Foreshadows Virtually Every Death

Insidious Saw Jigsaw Puppet
New Line Cinema

You might never think to watch the Final Destination movies twice, but you really should, because they're packed with little Easter eggs that only make sense the second time. To name just a few, in Final Destination 1, Todd sarcastically makes a reference to strangling himself, and he ends up being strangled to death. Terry stands in front of a picture of a bus, and she's hit by a bus later on.

In Final Destination 2, letter magnets on Evan's fridge read "EYE," foreshadowing the fact that he'll be impaled through the eye. When Nora is reading Reader's Digest, the camera is positioned so it looks like it says "Deader." A mortician says to Clear, "such fire in you," and she of course dies in a fire.

Final Destination 3 has a few as well: there's a picture where a fan is behind Frankie's head, and he later is killed by a fan. In that same picture, Perry is standing in front of a flag, which would later impale her. Lewis knocks the head off the hammer game, and he dies by losing his head.

They just go on and on to the point that the page about these Easter eggs on the Final Destination Wiki is over 9,000 words long. Who would have thought a dumb slasher series would be so layered?


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.