20 Moments That Will Define Upcoming Marvel Movies

18. Captain America Budges Mjolnir (Avengers: Age Of Ultron)

During this year's San Diego Comic Con, news emerged of some footage having been shown from Age of Ultron. Numerous attempts by people to leak it online were stopped by Marvel, so we only have people's word and some poor audio (hampered by loud, screaming, annoying members of the audience who saw it) to go by. In the footage, it shows the Avengers celebrating a victory (probably the defeat of Baron Strucker's forces in the aforementioned battle in Africa) at Avengers Tower. They are taking turns trying to lift Mjolnir. Everyone fails, but Captain America manages to budge it slightly. This is cool because it hints at the fact that he might be able to wield it properly one day in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as he has done in the comic books, and emphasises that he is so moral and good that he is likely to sacrifice himself in a future movie to save everyone else.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.