20 Most Anticipated Horror Movies Of 2025

9. Screamboat

Ombis 2 Alien Awakening 2025
Iconic Events

Almost immediately after Mickey Mouse entered the public domain, a horror feature surrounding Walt Disney's creation got the greenlight.

Steven LaMorte's Screamboat is a very, very loose adaptation of Steamboat Willie, the first official short that Mickey Mouse starred in. Rather than taking part in a cheerful adventure, the ruthless rodent will wreak havoc on a ferry to New York City, compelling a group of tourists to band together to stop him.

Even though Screamboat sounds like a joke, Steven LaMorte has put together a solid team to bring the project to fruition, and the horror-comedy will utilise classic practical effects and miniatures as a nod to the golden era of horror. The visuals will be overseen by Quantum Creation FX, known for their work on Fallout, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and The Last Voyage of the Demeter.

Best of all, the malevolent mouse will be played by David Howard Thornton, infamous for portraying Art the Clown in Terrifier. 

If Screamboat makes a killing at the box office, Mickey's friends could get the same treatment in the foreseeable future.

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