20 Most Anticipated Horror Movies Of 2025

5. Badlands

Ombis 2 Alien Awakening 2025

Although the Predator sequels and crossovers had some bright spots, there hasn't been a great instalment since the one that started it all. So, when Dan Trachtenberg announced a prequel, Prey, that centred around an 18th-century Native American warrior, skepticism was high.

Against all odds, Prey was a clever, creative, and well-directed blockbuster that managed to reinvigorate interest in the flagging franchise. Not since the release of the original has there been this much excitement for another Predator film, but the big question is whether the follow-up will be a direct continuation of Prey or a separate story.

To which, Trachtenberg answered with, "Why not both?" Not only will Amber Midthunder reprise the role of Naru in Prey 2, but the 10 Cloverfield Lane director will make a separate entry surrounding the alien hunter called Badlands. Apart from Elle Fanning's casting, nothing is known about the project's story or time period.

Even though details are vague, fans should be elated at the prospect of seeing the dreadlocked extra-terrestrial not once, but twice in the near future.

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