20 Most Anticipated Horror Movies Of 2025

2. They Follow

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David Robert Mitchell's It Follows revolves around a young woman, Jay (Maika Monroe), who finds herself hunted by a murderous entity called The It. Since The It can take any form, Jay is paranoid about anyone approaching her, leaving her in a constant state of terror.

At first, the paranormal thriller sounded like a loose rip-off of The Ring and didn't generate much hype. However, It Follows was a box office hit and quickly spawned a cult following. Although a sequel was expected to be released soon after, the potential franchise surprisingly went dormant. Until now, that is.

Almost a decade after the original hit theatres, They Follow was officially announced, with Maika Monroe reprising her role, and Mitchell once again writing and directing. With a title like "They Follow," it seems likely there's going to be a lot more demonic stalkers this time around, amplifying the scare factor exponentially.

If They Follow captures the same dripping tension and sense of dread as the first instalment, it could very well become a cult classic.

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