20 Most Anticipated Horror Movies Of 2025

1. 28 Years Later

Ombis 2 Alien Awakening 2025
Fox Searchlight

20 June 2025.

That's the date we are finally getting the long-rumoured 28 Years Later. Although development started straight after the release of 28 Weeks Later, the project got lost in limbo, and even though there were rumblings this cursed sequel was in the pipeline, it seemed like wishful thinking. Fortunately, the speculation has been put to rest, since the post-apocalyptic follow-up is definitely coming.

Expectations may be through the stratosphere, but all news surrounding the sequel is overwhelmingly positive. 28 Years Later will see the return of the original director and writer, Danny Boyle and Alex Garland, respectively, and the cast will include Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ralph Fiennes, Jack O'Connell, Erin Kellyman, Jodie Comer, and Cillian Murphy reprising the role of Jim.

But that's not all. 

According to Deadline, this highly-awaited film will serve as a launchpad for a new trilogy. Better still, there won't be a long gap between releases this time because the first two instalments are being shot back-to-back. And with Garland set to write scripts for all three forthcoming sequels, the future of horror is looking very promising indeed.

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