20 Most Anticipated Horror Movies Of 2025

19. Iron Lung

Ombis 2 Alien Awakening 2025
Mark Fischbach

Adapted from the 2022 video game of the same name, Iron Lung follows a submarine pilot who traverses through an ocean of blood while marooned on an alien world.

This sci-fi horror will be a first for YouTuber Mark Fischbach, aka Markiplier, since Iron Lung will be their directorial debut. Despite his lack of filmmaking experience, the Let's Play streamer is taking things extremely seriously, financing the entire production by himself. 

Based on the captivating teaser, Fischbach has nailed the source material's aesthetic and nerve-shredding atmosphere, which is an astounding feat considering no studio is backing it.

Since Iron Lung creator David Syzmanski helped with the script and pre-production, this adaption shouldn't just capture the game's look but its essence, and gorehounds will be happy to hear this space-faring flick will contain more fake blood than any film in history. 

Considering 2013's Evil Dead had 50,000 gallons of the red stuff, that's a bold statement.

Though filming has been completed, Iron Lung was delayed by the SAG-AFTRA strike, meaning Markiplier's loyal fanbase will have to be patient before they can check out this little gem.

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