20 Most Anticipated Horror Movies of 2026

16. Mike Flanagan's Exorcist Film

It Follows
Warner Bros. Pictures

After last year's execrable Exorcist: Believer, it was tough to be even remotely enthusiastic about future entries into the Exorcist franchise, but then Universal did something totally unexpected - they scrapped the two planned sequels to Believer and instead announced a new, standalone Exorcist film to be directed by the great Mike Flanagan.

Given Flanagan's enormous pedigree in the horror genre, that's really all Universal needed to say to make it clear they genuinely want to right the ship and course-correct the ailing franchise.

With Flanagan's hit rate being so incredibly high, it's easy to be confident that whatever he does with the Exorcist IP, it'll be the most worthwhile entry since the 1973 original.

Mike Flanagan's Exorcist Film releases March 13, 2026.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.