20 Most Anticipated Netflix Originals For The Rest Of 2020

19. The Christmas Chronicles 2

The Devil All the Time Tom Holland

Release Date: TBA November/December

The Christmas Chronicles is surely Netflix's strongest Yuletide streaming offering to date, largely thanks to the committed performance of Kurt Russell as Santa Claus himself.

With the end of the movie hilariously teasing a sequel featuring Mrs. Claus (played by Russell's real-life wife Goldie Hawn), it's little surprise that its popularity prompted Netflix to fast-track The Christmas Chronicles 2, which wrapped shooting late last year.

Beyond the pairing of Russell and Hawn, we know that Deadpool 2's Julian Dennison will join the cast, in what should hopefully be a much-needed dose of seasonal comfort food in the lead-up to Christmas.

You can probably count on a threequel to be confirmed before year's end, hopefully with Jeff Bridges being teased as Santa's older brother.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.