20 Most Awesome Items Belonging To Comic Book Movie Heroes

10. Wolverine's Adamantium Skeleton (X-Men Franchise)

x-men wolverine claws Wolverine's skeleton - including his iconic claws - is coated with a completely indestructible metal called adamantium. In addition to simply making him very, very heavy (see his origins movie when he sits on a motorbike for details), the metal also gives him incredible durability (given that his bones are unbreakable) and the ability to slice through anything that his strength will allow his claws to slice through. Durability wise, in X2 Wolverine was able to take a bullet to the head and, although the impact briefly knocked him out, the bullet the bullet simply ricocheted off him without penetrating his skull. He also survived a military firing squad and was able to shrug off a bullet immediately after having the adamantium grafted to his skeleton. In terms of his claws, he was able to take out a military jeep with them whilst riding a motorbike and has used them to slice through metal, flesh and stone. Essentially, Wolverine's skeleton makes his entire body into both a suit of armour and a very dangerous weapon.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.