20 Most Epic Movie Moments Of 2017

8. Plot Twist: The Vulture Is Liz's Dad - Spider-Man: Homecoming

Spider Man Homecoming Vulture Michael Keaton
Marvel Studios

Here's something just about nobody saw coming: when Peter Parker (Tom Holland) arrives at Liz's (Laura Harrier) house to pick her up for the homecoming dance, he's greeted by Adrian Toomes aka Vulture (Michael Keaton), revealing himself to be Liz's father.

It's a genuinely shocking surprise, one of the few in a Marvel Cinematic Universe movie, and one that's followed up by probably the most tense car ride to a school dance in the history of cinema, as Toomes toys with Peter, before directly threatening him not to mess with his business.

Keaton is deliciously creepy in the scene and it's by far the best and most epic sequence in the entire film, without even requiring a single frame of CGI or action no less. Magnificent.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.