20 Most Horribly Misleading Movie Titles

10. Raging Bull

What It Sounds Like: The title of Martin Scorsese€™s boxing epic points toward a quaint ranch-set drama chronicling the life of a farm hand as he learns to tame the raging bull on his family€™s farm. Or perhaps a Stephen King-inspired tale of a mechanical bull in an roadside bar with supernatural rage?

What It Actually Is: Another animal metaphor, this time the bull is real-life middleweight boxer Jake LaMotta. In glorious black and white, Scorsese charts the rise and fall of LaMotta - played by a career-best Robert DeNiro. The rage refers to his insatiable jealousy towards his wife which caused dissent amongst his family and friends. He doesn€™t once turn into a bull.

What It Should Have Been Called: LaMotta€™s Rage

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Gem is a freelance writer, musician and librarian. Her hobbies include: recreating movie death scenes from LEGO, concocting new types of bird suet cakes, walking on fresh snow and playing the glockenspiel - all at the same time.