20 Most Iconic Hero Introductions In Movie History

6. Han Solo - Star Wars

If you go back in time far enough there was a period when no one asked, "who shot first, Greedo or Han?" It was a simple fact that Han shot and Greedo didn't. Sadly, that was before Star Wars creator George Lucas decided to butcher his own creation with the Special Editions. Still, even with the unconscionable changes made to Han's opening scene as he faces off against rival bounty hunter Greedo in a grimy cantina in Mos Eisley, it remains one of the most iconic sequences in the history of science fiction cinema, introducing one of the most loved action heroes to have ever graced the silver screen. And to think Harrison Ford took on the role almost by accident after building cabinets at Lucas' home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKxOEUhRMt0

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.