20 Most Iconic Movie Deaths Of All Time

15. Kane - Alien (1979)

Quint Jaws Death
20th Century Fox

While the effects might look a little dated when viewed today, there is still no denying that the iconic chestburster scene from Ridley Scott's classic sci-fi horror remains one of cinema's all-time greatest jump scares. Shot in one take, the impact of the scene is only elevated by the genuinely terrified reactions from the cast.

Although they had seen the chestburster puppet and knew it was going to burst out of a prosthetic John Hurt torso, what the cast didn't know is that it would be accompanied by generous torrents of fake blood, which led to Veronica Cartwright's legendary hysterics.

The debut of the chestburster resulted in one of cinema's most memorable death scenes and scared the sh*t out of both the actors and cinema audiences alike, which isn't a bad return for what was essentially a puppet on a stick that was being controlled by a guy hiding under a table.

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