20 Most Outlandish Star Wars: The Force Awakens Rumours
Could it be more controversial than the prequels?
There have been a lot of rumours surrounding Avengers: Age Of Ultron and Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice, but they pale in comparison to the kind of attention Star Wars: The Force Awakens has been getting. Whether they're from legitimate and well-trusted websites or blogs which no one had ever heard of the day before, it's hard for a day to go by without there being more rumours about what fans should expect from the movie. It's going to be quite some time until their legitimacy is confirmed (on December 18th), but J.J. Abrams' infamous Mystery Box has sprung some serious leaks during The Force Awakens' production. A huge wave of concept art (including one piece which revealed Kylo Ren's appearance) found its way online at one point, and was confirmed to be real when the first teaser trailer was released months later and matched the artwork perfectly. In terms of rumours, some are easier to believe than others, while many are surely too outlandish to ever be true. A lot are such game changers that longtime Star Wars fans will more than likely be left furious after watching the movie if they end up becoming a reality. Here, you will find just 20 of the most outlandish Star Wars: The Force Awakens rumours from the past year or so, starting with those which are easy to believe, before moving onto massive reveals featuring major spoilers for the highly anticipated release. If true, just about everyone has underestimated how big J.J. Abrams' plans are.