20 Most Overrated Movies In The IMDb Top 250

9. Amelie (#65)

What's so good about Amelie, anyway? Sure, it's a fun, lighthearted, kinetic slice of European cinema, but isn't it - ultimately - a bit too reliant on weird coincidences and contrived plot points to actually function as a worthwhile film that invites repeat viewings? Apparently not, given that it's been voted into 65th place on the IMDb Top 250. Presumably the fact that it's all "arthouse" and French has convinced people that it's a lot better than it really is. That's not to say that Amelie is a bad movie, just a somewhat irritating one. For the most part, it's so self-conscious and purposely that you could take out a pen and a piece of paper at literally any point and draw the person you know would love it. Chances are that everyone would end up drawing the same cafe-frequenting, artistic bohemian twerp. Not to mention that it's horribly overwritten, despite clinging to a super standard plot.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.