20 Most Rewatchable Horror Movies Of All Time

11. Misery (1990)

The Shining Jack Nicholson
Columbia Pictures

It’s very rare for an actor to be Oscar nominated for their performance for a horror movie and it’s even rarer for them to win in their category. But that’s what Kathy Bates did for her performance as Annie Wilkes in Misery and it is every single bit deserved. The way she could switch from a seemingly normal person to a mentally unstable psychopath so quickly and how she was able to make audiences feel sympathy for someone as terrifying as Ms Wilkes – viewers felt legitimately scared of a fictional character and it’s a testament to the acting skills of Bates.

Misery also works because Stephen King creates a story so engaging out of such a dull setting and Rob Reiner knew how to translate this on screen. The film is near enough just a two-person cast with Annie Wilkes and her prisoner Paul Sheldon (James Caan) with their conflict taking place in Annie’s spare bedroom. It should be boring but instead, you feel invested in how Paul will escape the life-threatening situation, whether he’ll even survive and what the end will be for the evil nurse Wilkes.


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