20 Most Rewatchable Horror Movies Of All Time

5. Get Out (2017)

The Shining Jack Nicholson
Universal Pictures

Nowadays, one of the biggest struggles of producing a horror movie is the strive to have some originality within the story. A common mistake is retelling a movie that’s already been done before, perhaps accidentally coming across as a cheap knock-off.

Jordan Peele’s Get Out didn’t fall into this trap as it was fresh, creative and thoroughly enjoyable. The cinematography doesn’t rely on typical traditions, such as bloody violence or tacky jump scares, but instead works psychologically to set a strong tone of mystery and atmosphere.

Even better, Get Out crossed boundaries which hadn’t been explored before. Peele wanted to directly challenge the experience of being an African-American male in America through the character of Chris Washington within his experience of visiting his girlfriend’s parents’ house. The visit swiftly becomes a torment of suburban racism. Going against the grain of the usual horror movie protagonist, Chris is entirely aware of what’s happening and it becomes a matter of being vigilant and surviving the ordeal.

Each time you watch Get Out, there are new layers of depth to be discovered. It’s intelligent, both thematically and technically, and Jordan Peele should be applauded for having such a monumental directional debut.


Coffee Addict, Cartoon Obsessed, Theatre Kid