20 Most Ridiculous Movie Promotional Images Ever Released

4. Critters (1986)

When one looks back on the 80s, it's pretty remarkable to think how much the fitness craze of the decade permeated every nook and cranny of pop culture. You had Richard Simmons, Denise Austin, Susan Summers; heck even scream queen Linnea Quigley had a workout tape. Well, imagine if there was a workout video featuring a hot chick and a large deadly space critter? Sounds awesome right? Well, not so much. If you saw this promotional still for Dee Wallace's Critters you'd probably think that it was an ad for a Jazzercise class as opposed to a comedy horror science fiction film. This just reminds us that we need to lay off the Papa Johns and hit the gym more often.

3. Howard The Duck (1986)

Let's be honest - no one is really surprised to see Howard the Duck on a Worst List. This movie gets a lot of justified flack and the posters that accompany it will not do much to change those opinions. First off, just like the movie itself this poster isn't really sure if it's for adults or for children. On one hand you have a tagline that reads "The New Comedy Adventure From George Lucas... a new breed of hero". Well, that sounds like fun right? Now, on the other hand it looks like the film's stars are about to be devoured by a demonic entity bent on world domination (and not in a funny way). The poster also goes out of its way to not actually show Howard which is actually pretty smart seeing how the entire premise is pretty bizarre to begin with.

Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com