20 Most Underrated Sci-Fi Movies Of The 21st Century

9. Mr Nobody (2009)

High Life
Wild Bunch

Mr Nobody is a difficult film to follow. Featuring a wide range of challenging themes - such as chaos theory, existentialism, philosophy, mortality and memory - the sci-fi drama tells the story of Nemo Nobody (Jared Leto), the last mortal left on a now-immortal Earth, as he recalls the most important moments in his life.

Shifting perspective between numerous different storylines, audiences are treated to Nemo's memories of his childhood, his first love, his parents' divorce and his time as a father.

Clocking in at two-and-a-half hours long, Mr Nobody weaves together an intricate and expansive tale, bolstered by Leto's magnificent performance and Jaco Van Dormael's spotless direction.

For some, Mr Nobody might be too self-indulgent and purposefully complex for its own good, but between the striking symbolism and consistently thought-provoking twists and turns, there's more than enough there to make it an overlooked gem worthy of re-evaluation.

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i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other