20 Most Underrated Sci-Fi Movies Of The 21st Century

3. Predestination (2014)

High Life
Pinnacle Films

The plot of Predestination - like most time travel-based movies - is a difficult one to simplify, but basically it follows a temporal agent (Ethan Hawke) as he travels through time to stop a deadly terrorist attack. Along the way, he comes across an odd assortment of characters, tales of love and loss, and must come to terms with his own identity and place in the world.

Like Inception and Looper before it, Predestination has to be seen to be fully understood, and even then it's a tough brain workout to figure out what's going on.

That being said, though, it's such a rewarding experience if you're willing to pay attention. Not only are stars Hawke, Sarah Snook and Noah Taylor an absolute blast to watch, but the action and various plot twists keep Predestination from just becoming another action-heavy Hollywood blockbuster.

It's smart, relentless, and utterly enthralling, and it's shocking to think it barely made its $5 million budget back at the box office.

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i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other