20 Most Unfairly Hated Movies Of The 21st Century

5. Terminator: Rise Of The Machines (2003)

Watchmen Blue

Why It's Hated: Try following James Cameron's 1984 and 1991 sci-fi action masterpieces with a 12-years-later sequel that doesn't star Linda Hamilton or Edward Furlong.

This one was always going to get dumped on by fans, and that's exactly what happened.

Why It's Unfair: There are definitely things to dislike about this movie (the cringe-worthy humour, the aforementioned lack of Hamilton and Furlong, the inconsistent CGI quality), but it's also a solid addition to the Terminator canon on the whole...especially when considering the far, far worse sequels that have followed.

Arnie was awesome as expected, the action was rock solid, and it delivered a jaw-dropper of an ending that, in honesty, is probably better than the rest of the movie deserved.

Nobody's saying it can even begin to compare to the first two movies, but to call T3 bad is to be a blinded fanboy.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.