20 Most WTF Movie Moments Of 2022
19. Al Is Assassinated By Evil Madonna - Weird: The Al Yankovic Story

The best biopic of the year just happened to be 99% bulls**t. Weird: The Al Yankovic Story took aim at corny Hollywood biopics by basically just making everything up, because in honesty Weird Al Yankovic's (Daniel Radcliffe) life just isn't that dramatic or interesting.
Among the film's many half-truths - or rather, flat-out lies - is a subplot in which Al is kidnapped by Pablo Escobar (Arturo Castro), forcing him to shoot his way out, killing Escobar, before freeing the also-kidnapped Madonna (Evan Rachel Wood).
The film ends with Al performing "Amish Paradise" at a 1985 awards show, before he's assassinated by one of Madonna's henchman, after she decided to take over Escobar's drug empire. Yup.
What better way to completely break the tether to reality than straight-up killing Al off, no matter that he remains very much alive almost four decades later?