20 Movie Sequels That Must Be Announced In 2015

3. Tron 3

Previous Film: Almost three decades after the original Tron wowed audiences, Tron: Legacy did the very same, boasting insane visual effects, gorgeous cinematography and a superb score from Daft Punk. Sure, the plot wasn't especially great, but with the film being so focused on its set-pieces and immersing audiences in this world, it honestly didn't really need to be. Plus, it introduced a lot of audiences to Olivia Wilde... Why It Needs To Happen: Because Legacy ends on an enticing cliffhanger of sorts, with Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund) and Quorra (Wilde) taking aim at ENCOM, perfectly setting the stage for a third (and possibly) final Tron movie that's essentially an all-out war. Current Status: Tron 3 (which some sources suggest will have the awful title of Tr3n) has been locked in the scripting stage ever since Legacy came out, so don't expect to hear much from this one for a while. Given its relatively modest box office performance, it won't be a priority for Disney.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.