20 Movie Sequels You Didn't Know Were Coming In 2022

17. Tomb Raider II

Knives Out 2 Thumbnail
Warner Bros.

2018's Tomb Raider adaptation was the textbook example of a modest success: it received mixed reviews from critics and grossed $274.7 million worldwide against a $106 million budget.

Though early word suggested that Warner Bros. wasn't interested in pursuing a sequel, by September 2019 cult filmmaker Ben Wheatley had been hired to direct a script penned by his wife and regular collaborator Amy Jump.

Filming was originally set to begin in early 2020 in England, South Africa, Finland, and China, though the pandemic caused production to be delayed to 2021, ultimately resulting in Wheatley's departure.

But back in January, Misha Green (Lovecraft Country) was hired as Tomb Raider II's new writer-director, and given that the first film hit cinemas just nine months after shooting wrapped, 2022 seems like a safe bet as the world of filmmaking begins to return to normal.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.