20 Movies Every Nerd Must See Before They Die

4. District 9 (2009)

What a directorial debut this was. Neil Blomkamp came out of nowhere with this astounding, Peter Jackson-produced sci-fi action flick, one of the few films from the genre to earn a Best Picture Oscar nomination. Rarely has the genre come up with a stronger melding of CGI-driven spectacle and social metaphor, as a race of aliens are rounded up in internment camps in South Africa in a manner impossible not to compare to the country's past apartheid. Even so, the viewer is never bashed over the head with this message, Blomkamp instead focusing on crafting a convincing faux-documentary about a horde of sinister-looking aliens who in fact just want to go home. It's a thoughtful movie and one that also unloads a ton of visceral action in its third act, while arriving at a climax of unexpected emotional weight. With its unique South African flavour, terrific visuals and provocative premise, sci-fi is seldom this ambitious and daring.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.