20 Movies Since 2010 So Awful They're Actually Harrowing

12. The Hangover Part II

Nicolas Cage Trespass
Warner Bros.

In this comedy sequel, Stu is getting married in Thailand and the Wolfpack try to have a nice and sober stag party. Unfortunately, they wake up the next morning in Bangkok and have to piece together their night and find the bride's younger brother. Does any of this sound familiar to you at all? Since this movie is literally exactly the same as the first, that wouldn’t be a surprise.

There are, however, two differences: firstly, it’s in Thailand and secondly, it deviates from the joyous fun of the first by being an ugly and unfunny ‘comedy’ that’s more depressing than funny.

Racist, misogynistic, and unexpectedly nasty, this will offend pretty much everyone in one way or another. With the once fun characters having lost their charm, and actual comedy being traded for repeats of the original's jokes dialled up to 11 and having had any joy sucked out of them, this will spoil your memories of the first film like few other sequels will. It's difficult to think of any other franchise that went from four stars to one star quite as fast.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.