20 Movies Starring MCU Actors In 2018

17. Soldado (Benicio Del Toro & Josh Brolin)

Sicario Benicio Del Toro

Release Date: June 29

Though it's always a bit of a worrying sign when an original movie's director doesn't return to helm a sequel that already seemed a tad unnecessary, the fact that Sicario's writer Taylor Sheridan also penned the script for Soldado makes it easy to be cautiously optimistic.

Emily Blunt's Kate Macer is gone from this tangential follow-up, which will instead revolve around Benicio del Toro's undercover spook Alejandro, CIA officer Matt Graver (Thanos himself, Josh Brolin), and their partner from Sicario, Steve Forsing (Jeffrey Donovan), as they attempt to destabilise the drug cartel operations on the U.S. border.

With Catherine Keener rounding out the cast as a hard-a** CIA Director, this has so much potential to be a hard-boiled companion piece to the stunning original. Even if it's not quite as good, it's easy to be confident in the cast and talented Italian director Stefano Sollima (who worked on the TV adaptation of Gomorrah).


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.