20 Movies That Will Kick Ass In 2018

4. The Girl In The Spider's Web

the girl in the spider's web
Sony Pictures

While it is disappointing that David Fincher was never able to finish the trilogy he started with 2011's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Sony have admittedly rounded up an impressive team to soft-reboot the Millennium series, which looks to have been a winning decision if the first trailer is anything to go on.

Handed over to Fede Alvarez, fresh off both the Evil Dead remake and 2016's breakout hit Don't Breathe, the director has brought the grit and abrasiveness that made his first two pictures so compelling along to this project, with his talents perfectly complimenting the pitch-black material.

His direction, along with a new cast that sees the convincing Claire Foy take over the role of Lisbeth Salander, seems to have gelled brilliantly with the series, and hopefully the movie will be a bigger hit with audiences than Fincher's effort was seven years ago.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3