20 Movies That Will Kick Ass In 2018

3. The Irishman

the irishman

The Irishman is one of the biggest risks Netflix have taken so far. Offering up over $100 million to finance Martin Scorsese's long-gestating crime-thriller, the movie is reportedly way over budget, and one of the most expensive of the director's career.

That said, it's easy to see why Netflix have taken a gamble on the project. Not only will it see Scorsese returning to the genre that made him famous, but it also reunites him with his familiar rogues gallery of actors for the first time in decades, including Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Joe Pesci and Harvey Keitel.

Though Scorsese hasn't been lacking in hits recently (with the exception of passion project Silence), it's undoubtedly exciting to see him return to Goodfellas-esque material, with Netflix no doubt hoping for not only a commercial success, but also a strong awards contender going into 2019.

Nothing official has been revealed from the project so far, and how the company is going to handle distribution is up in the air, but all eyes are on The Irishman to be one of the director's best ever pictures.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3