20 Movies That Will Kick Ass In 2018

1. Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

Into The SpiderVerse
Sony Pictures

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, despite not releasing for a few more months yet, is already the biggest surprise of the year. Seemingly coming out of nowhere, the animated movie, produced by Chris Lord and Phil Miller, has already wowed with its two trailers, essentially being everything fans of the Web Head have wanted for years.

Not only is the unique art style downright gorgeous, with every frame genuinely looking like a painting, but the plot is essentially a love letter to anyone who's taken an interest in Spidey stories over the years. Refreshingly focusing on Miles Morales' version of the hero, mentored by an older Peter Parker, the filmmakers seem to have nailed the tone and character of the best Spider-Man stories.

Looking like it was ripped straight from the page and plastered onto the screen, every glimpse of Into the Spider-Verse so far has pulsated with an infectious energy that's been hard to shake, and the final product should set a precedent for animated movies just like it going forward.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3