20 Movies That Will Kick Ass In 2018

15. Mortal Engines

Mortal Engines

Peter Jackson's first movie since the disastrous Hobbit trilogy back at the dawn of the 2010s, Mortal Engines is set to be a return to form for the director. Though trailers make it clear that it could suffer from a touch of the same CGI excess which tanked his most recent flicks, it's clear why Jackson was attracted to the project, with the narrative's brilliantly-inventive steampunk dystopia being a perfect fit for the filmmaker's talents.

On paper, the plot sounds ridiculous; in a post-apocalyptic future, entire cities have been motorised, sitting atop gigantic machines which roam the scorched Earth in an attempt to devour each other for valuable resources. It's a bit like Mad Max: Fury Road, except somehow even more insane.

The far-out nature of the plot is exactly what makes the film so interesting though, as even from the trailers it's obvious that Jackson has surprisingly found a way to ground that premise. Though the director's post Lord of the Rings career has been a bit hit and miss (well, sadly, most miss), Mortal Engines could be the big comeback he deserves.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3