20 Netflix Movies For The Rest Of 2022 You Need To Know About

2. Blonde

White Noise Adam Driver

Perhaps Netflix's single biggest question mark this year is Blonde, Andrew Dominik's long-gestating Marilyn Monroe biopic, adapted from Joyce Carol Oates' 2000 novel.

A major passion project for Dominik, the film has been in the works for many years, and finally wrapped shooting last summer.

Ana de Armas stars as Monroe, and while the recently released trailer doesn't exactly make a case for her convincingly shifting her distinctive Cuban accent, the film as a whole looks like a singularly raw account of Monroe's life.

It's been reported that Dominik faced pushback from Netflix regarding the film's content - namely graphic sexual assault scenes which would earn it an NC-17 rating - but ultimately the streamer has allowed Dominik to release his full, unfettered vision.

No matter how it turns out, it's likely to be one of the most intriguing and talked-about films of the year.

Blonde releases on September 28.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.