20 Past MCU Easter Eggs That Will Mean Something In Phase 3

18. "Put On The Suit" (The Avengers)

The very brief argument between Steve Rogers and Tony Stark - on board the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier in the Avengers movie - occurred when Stark suggested that Bruce Banner unleash the Hulk there and then. Rogers took offence to his recklessness and the two exchanged a few choice words before he suggested that Stark "put on the suit". It was at that point that Hawkeye's well-aimed arrow blew up a section of the Helicarrier and the two suddenly became friends again. The point is, the suggestion that Stark put on his Iron Man armour in order for the two to duke it out was foreshadowing exactly that happening in the Civil War - an event that is set to happen at the start of Phase 3. The pair will fight over the Superhuman Registration Act - with Rogers anti-registration and Stark pro-registration - alongside teams of fellow heroes who support their particular beliefs.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.